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How Insurance Agents Using Social Media Drive Long-Term Customer Value

Travis Balinas
October 18, 2013

Insurance agents using social media either get the benefits of being social with their policyholders or they simple think they don’t have time for it. However, one thing is for sure; insurance agents who get how to use social media for their businesses know its value when it comes to building relationships and ensuring long-term customer value.

Insurance agents who focus on long-term customer value are smart because they know that keeping your existing policyholders happy helps reduce churn and help build word-of-mouth referrals to your business too. It is estimated that nearly 80% of a business’ long term revenue is generated through 20% of the clients they first managed to retain. While one-time services, stand alone sales, and short-term contracts will help the bottom line of your business of course, but if you do not retain your first customers and fail to establish long term work relationships, then your business might inevitably be doomed for disaster.

How Social Media Helps Insurance Agents

Social media marketing for insurance agents can be a remarkably powerful tool when trying to achieve long-term customer value. The various incredibly popular social networks out there, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest can be put to use for advantage by you, as a small business owner, in order to establish long term relationships with your customers. More importantly, it helps to make your business more one-to-one and personal.

Share Content That Has Value

Social media, in one form or the other, means the sharing of information and content. As an insurance agent, you need to make certain that the content you share provides some sort of value to the reader, even if they do not become your customers. Make it engaging, interesting, easy to read, and informative.

Share Things That Are Engaging

As a small business owner, you need to engage with your clients and potential customers more than anyone else. It isn’t enough to just post quality content on social networks and then disappear. Invest your time and effort, stay online for a few hours every day, and engage in real time conversations with the readers of your content.

Be On The Right Social Networks

Most entrepreneurs struggle with where they need to be exactly. Some get lost trying to be everywhere at once, while others are nowhere at all. You need to decide which social network to be interactively present on, and devote your time there. On others, where you only need to be active, pop in regularly, post your content, and pop out. Time management with social media marketing can be just as crucial as it is in most aspects of life.

Connect First With People You Know

One of the few drawbacks of social media is that you’re never sure who receives your message. Certainly, those you wanted to target might have been in the audience, but how can you ever be sure? You need to own your contacts, by connecting with them in a place they visit daily: their email addresses. Emails do not only make sure that your target audience receives your message directly; they also help direct the right people back to your social networks.

Social media can be incredibly valuable in helping businesses get long term customer value, equipping them for future growth, profitability and success.

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