David Robnett
Owner / Agent
Robnett Integra Insurance Services
Referral Engine helps a local insurance agency grow.
“When we talk to clients about referrals they always seem eager to refer. I really think people want to refer they just have to get the nudge and know what to do. Referrals mean growth and that growth, in turn, helps me spend more to market and grow my company.”
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Before working as an independent agent, David owned a large corporate franchise for 22 years. He opened his own agency to grow his business and offer more competitive rates to his customers. When he branched out, he needed a way to build his brand and make a name for himself. “My reputation is everything. The relationships I have with my customers and their referrals are what keep me in business,” he said. His team was asking for referrals in person but they needed a way to automate the process and follow up after their in-person interactions.
David signed up with OutboundEngine to stay top of mind with his network and generate more referrals. In addition to OutboundEngine’s automated email and social media marketing, Robnett purchased the Referral Engine product. He is now able to remind customers to send over the name of friends and family on a quarterly basis without lifting a finger. Referrals are delivered directly to his inbox so he can follow up and start a conversation.
David has received numerous qualified referrals from his investment in the referral program alone. “I think this is such a great resource. My clients are very impressed with the overall layout and ease of the process. People have got to know how easy this is,” he said.
David’s customers have also responded to the upgraded look of his emails and social posts. He’s had a number of customers tell him they love the professional look and easy to read content. OutboundEngine automates the process of asking for referrals via email which allows him to spend his time finding the best offering for his customers.
- Owner / Agent
- 30 years insurance experience
- Offers comprehensive insurance coverage
- Independent insurance agency
- Headquartered in Brownwood, TX
Bottom line
OutboundEngine helped David generate numerous qualified referrals while nurturing his client relationships. He looks professional and stays in touch with his network automatically.
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