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Email Signature Generator


Email Signature Generator

Use company phone number

Include professional credentials

Optional text or link below signature


Step 1

Use the generator to create your email signature. Double check for spelling errors in the preview below the generator button. This is just a preview, do not paste this into gmail.

Click “Generate” and a new tab will open with your completed email signature.

Press ⌘+A (mac) or ctrl+A (windows) in the new tab to select the entire signature. Press ⌘+C (mac) or ctrl+C (windows) to copy this to your clipboard.

Step 2

Navigate to your gmail inbox and click the gear in the upper right corner.

Select “Settings” from the drop down menu.

Step 3

Scroll down until you reach the “Signature” section.

Paste your new signature into the box provided.

Double check that it is displaying correctly. If it is not, go back to the generator and make sure you copied it entirely.