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Attention Grabbing Subject Lines For Beauty, Health and Wellness

Erin Myers
April 22, 2016

Many business owners don’t give subject lines much thought and default to a standard email newsletter reminders with subjects like, “time to renew your fitness package” and “you’re due for a trim.” The downfall? These sales-oriented emails have notoriously low open rates. So what can you write to entice readers to open an email and engage with your content? At OutboundEngine, we craft eye-catching, branded emails on behalf of beauty and wellness business owners and other health professionals, and we work hard to ensure high delivery rates that are well above industry averages.

Carefully crafted subject lines mean higher email open rates, and email opens directly impact the amount of business your beauty, health or wellness business does. We’ve determined which subject lines received the most opens in the past year. Here’s a list of the top-performing email subject lines and their corresponding header images to help you build a solid strategy for the upcoming months.

1: Reduce Stress with These DIY Treatments

honey pot

2: 4 Practices for Active Stress Relief


3: 5 Hydrating and Healthy Drinks

lemon drink

4: How to Treat Sunburn, Heat Rash and Mosquito Bites

summer surfer

5: Massage 101 for Athletes

sore muscles back stretch


As you can see, the most highly engaged emails we crafted were written to help, not to sell. The stats we’ve accumulated show that the more creative and helpful an email subject line is, the more engaged the reader will be. And when you’re providing interesting content, you’re also increasing the likelihood that your emails will be forwarded to others. By putting a little thought into your email subject lines, you can develop an active readership and continued customer engagement that can lead to future deals and referral business.


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